Spanish with Joel Zárate: A Spanish for Beginners Podcast

Transcripts Available
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Not Monolingual
Explicit Teaching
Some explicit teaching

From the website - “This podcast is divided into units and each unit contains five episodes or modules that will support each other to help you learn Spanish through each unit.” Each unit is based on a simple conversation. There is a grammar episode and an episode of the conversation with English translations. Then the following episodes are all in Spanish - the simple conversation, a 1st-person narration, and a 3rd-person narration. It’s a good way to hear the same content but told in a slightly different way. If you are learning with a pure comprehensible-input approach, listen only to the all-Spanish or narración episodes. There are 6 units (as of July 2024).

Total Time
<5 hours

Check out these episodes:

A simple conversation episode (all Spanish)
A narration episode (all Spanish)